This tool arrangement script works but in the wrong arrangement


function ChangeToolPosition(Tool, Position)
    local Tools = {}

    for i,v in pairs(Tool.Parent:GetChildren()) do
        if v:IsA("Tool") then
            table.insert(Tools, v)

    local OldParent = Tool.Parent

    local Number = 0

    for i,v in pairs(Tools) do
        if v:IsA("Tool") then
            Number += 1

            if Number == 1 then
                if Tools[Position + 1] == Tool then
                    Tool.Parent = script.Tools
                elseif v ~= Tool and Number ~= Position - 1 then
                    v.Parent = script.Tools
            elseif v ~= Tool and Number ~= Position - 1 then
                v.Parent = script.Tools
                Tools[Position].Parent = script.Tools

            if Number == Position then
                Tool.Parent = script.Tools
            elseif Number == Position - 1 then
                Tools[Position].Parent = script.Tools

    for i,v in pairs(script.Tools:GetChildren()) do
        if v:IsA("Tool") then
            v.Parent = OldParent

ChangeToolPosition(script.Parent:WaitForChild("Shoot"), script.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("plrData"):WaitForChild("ToolArrangement"):WaitForChild("Shoot").Value)
ChangeToolPosition(script.Parent:WaitForChild("Pass"), script.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("plrData"):WaitForChild("ToolArrangement"):WaitForChild("Pass").Value)
ChangeToolPosition(script.Parent:WaitForChild("Long"), script.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("plrData"):WaitForChild("ToolArrangement"):WaitForChild("Long").Value)
ChangeToolPosition(script.Parent:WaitForChild("Tackle"), script.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("plrData"):WaitForChild("ToolArrangement"):WaitForChild("Tackle").Value)
ChangeToolPosition(script.Parent:WaitForChild("Dribble"), script.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("plrData"):WaitForChild("ToolArrangement"):WaitForChild("Dribble").Value)

This is meant for arranging tools according to a datastore value within the player, it does work but in the wrong order.

Shoot = 1
Pass = 2

it would sort it in the wrong order

Pass = 1
Shoot = 2

Doing Wait times wouldn’t work as it would break the tools. what can i do?

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You gotta make sure ur keeping track of how your array is being sorted. If u got everything as table.insert(Tools, v) it’ll chuck it right at the end of the array. Also bear in mind that Lua arrays start at 1, not 0, so if ur shooting so to say for your Shoot to be in position 1, it should be Tools[1], not Tools[0].

Try using the sort() function my dude. It can sort ur tools based off any condition u set. Here’s an example (obviously you should adapt this to your use case):

table.sort(Tools, function(a, b)
   return a[Position] < b[Position]

This’ll sort your tools in ascending order based off their ‘Position’ properties. If u want it in descending order, change “<” to “>”.

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