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Hey, Kuzey_Dev
When making a game, you must take in importance of how you will advertise this game to turn out successful. Do you have funds to advertise? You must also ask yourself, why might people choose you? What is so special about the game for them to choose you? How are your team members guaranteed money? You may say that this game could aprox. make 10k+ a month, but how would your team members know? Do you have any robux to start off the game, do you have a fan-base? If so, please provide that information in your post, that will give you a more likely chance for others to be interested in working with you!
I have robux in Group and my account, every thing is ready.
i’m interested contact me on discord AndresHila#9067
i want to be the builder please
These would be considered Developer Products… not Game Passes.
Good luck on your project.
Not necessarily. It would be smarter to have the last 4 as devproducts, but they could also be gamepasses. The x2 money would be a gamepass, not a devproduct, also.
I know developer products, but I didn’t remember when I writing.
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