I currently working on this casino building that I created for Bloxwood Casino! showcase place. This one that I’m working on is quite empty and blocky. I decided to create this topic to get feedback to try to make this look better. So, any thought of this?
- Sincerely, BIoxPixel.
May 28, 2021, 11:18am
um. its just blocks lol. maybe finish it then we can give feedback?
May 28, 2021, 11:21am
Like thom463s said, it’s literally just a few blocks stacked on top of each other.
Try adding small little details, one step at a time.
Definitely lives up to its name blox(blocks), an open concept doesn’t mean to have no roof. Try to add some more detail and maybe a roof as well.
May 28, 2021, 3:22pm
Seems kinda small for a casino maybe make it a bit bigger.
It’s way to early into the the build to be asking for feedback. Maybe ask later on when you’ve gotten more done.
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May 28, 2021, 5:03pm
Well there’s nothing to rate presently, as you only placed few blocks in the interior and that’s all, try adding more
Hi, thanks for replying. I can try to add some detail to the Casino building that I’ve worked on.
Oh, hi. I forgot to reply. Unfortunately, if I made it a bit bigger, the room will be quite empty.
May 29, 2021, 1:13am
ah, that’s okay then, it was just a suggestion.
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Woo, it’s only just been 7 hours and nobody hasn’t replied here but… Update on progressing:
Added statues (decoration), and all 3 casino gambling stuff. (All of them are duplicated.)
Redo the wall.
Changed the previous texture to the new one.
Now, let me know what you think of this change. I’m starting to do art tomorrow, so I will come back to work on this.
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Back to working on this since I’ve done my one art on Sunday. Update on progressing:
Rotated 2 roulette tables.
Added aquarium section.
Added sign for both Poker table and Slot machine area.
Added “Roblox Studio” logo on top of aquarium section.