Thoughts about my first gun

So the first gun I chose to customize was the SR-16

Give me your honest opinion since this is my first, and the only way to grow is with criticism.


It looks so good, well done. Good optics and I like your taste in textures.


For your first good it’s aswesome!! I saw way more worse people making their guns for their first time, so well done for you good sir.


I appreciate the feedback! Will continue using the same pattern of textures and whatnot.

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Please make sure you keep senting, I would like see more off your work!!! ; ) Btw im also in sin discord lols

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I truly appreciate the feedback, spent loads of time and effort into teaching myself how to make everything functional! The laser, flashlight, and especially the canted sight took really long to function properly.

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I feel you on that, brother, I have being trying to learn scripting, in my slow past but yeah working hard on it lol. Your programmer and modeler so thats cool. I don’t doubt it, sights are very hard to make sure they are on sight lol even in the middle never made gun before, but after I master so what lua I’m gonna start teaching myself how to 3D design. I also tagged you in sin discord lol, make sure u do show me your work as I’m always keen to see peoples work ; )

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I hope that journey goes really well for you to satisfy your needs and getting creative, perhaps even creating your own Studio or something bigger. Possibilities are endless. And I surely will try posting the things I create onto the forums and whatnot, possibly even show the people how one gets the basic understanding of how these things work!


It looks pretty good especially for your first gun model! I think you should try adding some more detailed textures though that would look sick.


I appreciate the feedback! What kind of textures were you thinking of?


I might just be confused as to what the post is about, but the gun is a free model that has attachments on it. And the gun’s framework is CE Carbon Engine.
All I did was look up SR16 and it’s the 2nd one.

Did you make the attachments? Wouldn’t make sense given the name “Thoughts about my first gun”

Also, the gun is mirrored and looks more like a left-handed gun.


Hey! I see you like paying attention to detail, and that’s great.

Yes, the SR-16 was outside of the toolbox originally which is why I had said I customized it. Currently, this isn’t anything but a humbling beginning, the changes that were made were mostly out of discovery and teaching myself throughout the whole experience. Took me around 13hours straight, was even told off about it by one of my friends to go and take a break lol.

The Knights Armament AR-10/15 SR-16 is one of my favorite rifles out there, alongside the SR-25. When I had first seen it, it was as shown in your picture just really plain and had lots of missing things. So I wanted to add my own touch, which as of currently isn’t the greatest but I’m trying to grow better and better. I had changed the whole barrel design, added in a Silencer, re-worked the firing noise, put in an EoTech and a Canted sight(Which took hours to make work properly), a foregrip, customized all the attachments I put in to seem like something I really liked the look of.

I plan to learn more about guns and how to make them from scratch and truly feel the effort put into it soon! But this is a beginning, and it turned out to be something I got support out of and I personally really enjoyed the experience.

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Damnnn that gun’s hot. I love when you aim the gun and how you can tilt it, it looks epic. Very detailed too.


I really appreciate the feedback! The canted sight is one of the best features of it for me as well.

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I like the 2 scope you used, and my opinion on this gun is super cool, it has a silencer which I like it.


Thank you! Yes, the canted sight and silencer are pretty cool. I appreciate the feedback.

Like maybe add some dirt, scratches, or wear around the edges.

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That’s a great suggestion, I’ll try doing that in the future! Gotta learn how to model things from scratch first though.

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