Trying to build a somewhat industrial sci-fi place. Can’t go too overboard with the detail for performance’s sake, so unfortunately no photorealism or anything crazy like that.
I would love feedback pertaining to optimization/lighting tips to make things pop more.
Here’s the build, WIP.
These are the collisions.
This is so cool. The only thing I’m concerned about is will you add another topic about it because telling by the walls it looks kind of unfinished just the walls.
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Yup, just the walls are done now.
I posted it pretty early to avoid a problem I’ve been having recently.
I’ve been learning too quickly. While it initially took me 2 days to get proficient with blender, I’ve been learning a lot more about correctly creating meshes, reducing lag, etc which has rendered a lot of my building, while detailed, obsolete at this point.
I will post more soon!
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Oh ok makes sense. I also thought that you can put like sewage water because I can see in the bottom left of the picture next to the pipe it looks like a sewage hole so i thought that you can add like sewage water with it.
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Maybe - although it’s supposed to be a Warhammer 40k spaceship. The steam is meant to buffer what would be a deeper cavern of machinery and the likes.
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This looks really good! Great job! 
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I like it ! Perfect amount of detail.
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