Thoughts on a Mausoleum

Hello fellow developers, the title may be weird but let me explain what is going on.

Among the many things I do, I make memorials for players who are gone, left the site for good, etc… I maintain a memorial mausoleum for a particular player, whose name I am not gonna mention due to specific reasons the moderators will know well but I shall not state even tho the build has been allowed in the past by various admin. I am in the process of updating it and it’s going fairly ok. I am getting stuck on a particular problem involving what to do for the top and thought I would get some ideas from you guys about what to do.

This is the main room, as you can see the “Grave” is in the center, with the old Roblox logo on the far end and waterfalls on either side.

This is the entrance, I am kinda at a loss for how you could match this to the interior without making something that is too large without proper use. Not to mention its off center and not well implemented.

I am open to any ideas you guys may have.


it’s good for starters great job! and keep up the good work. only thing i suggest for this build

Adding more to the outside area and fixing the entrance up. inside could be redesign with more details and little bigger so you can fit more players who are gone

Fixing the lighting up more, and make the water transparent inside. and add future lighting

And for the inside maybe replace the old Roblox logo, and make a statue of erik cassel holding the old Roblox logo.

And last i suggest adding better textures like PBR Materials etc


The mausoleum top isnt done, nor is it on the map its going at. RN what I have planned is I am waiting for someone to make me a ramp that spirals around the outside, at which point I am gonna do a memorial garden up top.

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Here is an update: I couldnt get anyone to make me a spiral ramp so I am going with a different design, its not fully finished but this is progress so far.

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Update: I ended up rebuilding the entire concept, gonna go a grand structure with the person in the middle.


I completely forgot to give you guys an update.

This is the finished result:

You can go visit it here: