Thoughts on a semi-realistic underground tunnel build

Hey everyone! I was inspired by Dr. Bradley Garrett’s journey on exploring London’s subterranean infrastructure. (If you don’t know who he is please check him out on Joe Rogan and his photos from this, it is definitely worth it.) This by no means is complete and looking for some quick feedback! Thanks everyone!

Yes I know the lights flickering isn’t perfect, I still need to tweak the timing and bloom a bit.

Oh, and here’s the original (again not going for complete 100% photo-realism)

All credits go to Dr. Garrett and company


Totally not creepy at all… (looks like something straight out of the backrooms :eyes: )

Really good build!

I really like the brick texture on the walls

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Thanks! I messaged one of my friends a picture and he wondered if I was doing a horror game lol.

If you look at more photos from him, it gets even more creepy.

He got into a bunch of abandoned Metro Stations from the early 1900s, I have heard a few ghost stories about a few abandoned stations.


Are you using it for a horror game? Because if not you should. This looks like the most clausterphobic and off-setting location and I think it could be a cool spot


Never really was going to use it for anything, just kind of made it to take a quick break from my current project that I am working on. If I did make a game out of it, the game would be super basic, horror games aren’t really my thing development wise. I don’t really know what the game would be other than just exploring creepy stuff.



I can just imagine how horrifying it would be when the lights flicker, they come back on and theres something at the end of the tunnel :eyes:


I like the flicking light, and the cabel you’ve did. And I honestly think this building is very realistic and I like it!

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That looks really good! Although could do with making it a lil bit brighter just to match the photo more.

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Thanks! I really appreciate it!

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Yeah, I agree, I am going to try it out later and see how it looks, thanks for the suggestion!

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Looks great, try more colors for the wires.

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