Thoughts on a Social Media inside of roblox

title says it all. I was thinking about creating a full out social media inside of a roblox game. You would be able to have endless scroll, your own page, followers, the ability to post images and words, and more.

obviously everything would have to be filtered which shouldn’t be too hard to do however, the main challenge i think i will face is saving stuff and a feed system.

what are your thoughts on this idea?


I think roblox has this implemented already
But jsut in a different way

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like the dev forum??

naw this is gonna be a place for everyone

Not like the devforum

We already have followers, messages and words, but not the images
But the image would be hard to add in

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so the old roblox forum???
fyi roblox technically has a social media called feeds, too bad literally nobody has ever used it.

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not really. some games can have the ability to upload images. The hard part is saving everything

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DevForum is a Forum not a social media. They removed follower count as well.

Roblox itself is a Social media, followers, notifs, groups, roleplay centers…

Now the point is, nobody would use a pure UI “twitter” inside a game, which would take them a few minutes just to send a message. Plus, players will not recieve notifications (Unless you link API).

In simple words, it should not be a Roblox game, but either a website or a GUI Plugin that can be used in every game for players to chat with other players on Roblox.

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I find this topic very interesting, could you make it so if you click the box, it takes you to your social media? Would be cool

I have a small feeling this has been done before in some games

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I’ve been dreaming about making this game for years as-well. If you want to team up, AlemDev#3373


just itsalem on discord now lol

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it has. Popfeed: Memes & Avatar Creator - Roblox