Thoughts on castle entrance

Not 100% sure how I feel about the entrance being arched, while the windows are more pointy


I personally donā€™t really mind the difference between the arch shape and the window shape, in fact I think it would look more strange if the windows were the same shape and looked like ā€˜mini-doors.ā€™ A quick search on google reveals that it is actually quite common for real castles to have windows shaped slightly differently than their doors.

Really nice low-poly build overall :slight_smile:


The castle in general looks great! I love the entrance, but maybe add some water around it and a bridge? Thatā€™s how I imagine castleā€™s when thinking about them. Also, whatā€™s the red thing?

Overall, its amazing.


I think it looks just fine as is! If it really bugs you maybe throw a 1/3rd or 1/4th lowered gate on to distract the eyes a bit, overall this is a nice design!

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Well it is pretty obvious why you donā€™t feel good about the shape of the windows and the entrance. Maybe try making them the same shape so it helps the look.

I am guessing that you went for a low-poly build.
Maybe try to add a bit more stuff, such as a bridge with water under it and some more windows along the walls.

Hope to see more work from you :+1:

I would also add some Torches and a River with a Bridge :+1:t3:

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It looks very nice, It has a lot of details, You did a great job!

It looks great the windows look fine as pointy it fits with castles pretty well but i;d say you should add a gate or drawbridge at the entrance

Definitely got the cartoon vibes going here, really nice. One thing I would consider here is including a castle bridge and water that goes around it. Would make the castle surroundings stand out. Also possibly add a cool little flag at the top :black_flag:.

Other then that, awesome work, I look forward to seeing more updates on this castle design! :star2: :star:

Looks great!

Hereā€™s some of my feedback on your model and design here:

  • I would definitely add a little ā€œgateā€ at the top, that looks like itā€™s ready to drop to close of the castle, just adds a little more dimension towards the entire build.
  • You could always add in a draw-bridge/moat with ā€œwaterā€ made completely lowpoly just to add in a nice touch.

Other than those two things, this is an awesome build, and I think that it will definitely turn out awesome! Do you plan on adding an inside to the castle/gate?

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