So i made the river look a little natural and nice to my eyes atleast, but my eyes are not your eyes, so what do you think about the extended river? (Note the river’s vegetation and such is not done. i also have Collisions shown because i was working on them at the moment that’s why things look weird )
Firstly, that isn’t a river; it’s a stream. A river is much wider and deeper.
Regardless, it’s too straight and there are obvious jutting pieces of sand at its border. The terrain in your place altogether is highly unrealistic (see the massive mountain next to a completely flat town), so I’m tempted to say that there is nothing that suggests naturalness at all in the GIF you’ve posted.
Your river could definitely use a redesign, it needs more depth and width. Rivers don’t create elbow shaped turns like what you’ve shown, rivers must be curvy and the transition from the mountain to the ground is awful, perhaps create a proper waterfall instead.
Notice how the part of the stream that’s far away from the camera completely disappears? That’s due to terrain LOD (level of detail). Basically, Roblox renders terrain that’s far away from the camera’s focus at a lower resolution. The only practical way to avoid this is to make the stream wider and deeper.
i decided to remove the extension completely as it would destroy a lot of my walkways and it looked bad even with it being wider. I fixed the mountain to be only one stream.
The river looks unnatural, the way it curves. It’s very thin for a river as well; it should be thicker and deeper.
The sudden shift of terrain doesn’t make sense (i.e.: sand, grass, concrete, etc.). It has no visual appeal, just make some changes to it. I would recommend removing it all or moving it to a different part of the map.
If the creator themselves aren’t 100% satisfied with the final product than why would I the consumer think any differently? If you don’t like it, either scrap it or keep making modifications until you feel as if it’s presentable.
I’ve made many terrain attempts in the past, not once was I satisfied with the final result and despite how I invested nearly 24+ hours into it I still didn’t release it publicly.
Whenever you’re in studio I recommend keeping the following in mind before presenting it to us for constructive criticism:
Are you satisfied with the final result?
Are there any noticeable shortcuts you originally resorted to that could be removed?
I know this may seem harsh however you shouldn’t take the opportunity for constructive criticism for granted. We’re giving you our precious time that could easily no longer be an option. Everyone has their own individual breaking point and if you’re not giving 100% effort than you shouldn’t be surprised if we’re no longer helping you.
Constructive criticism is optional not an obligation. Allowing bias to be formed against you is a developer’s worse nightmare especially if you’re struggling to master the basics by yourself.
I think your biggest issue is elevation design & sizing. I’ll use one of my places I’m working on as an example to how I work with water in smooth terrain:
Firstly, I break it up into three catagories.
“Source” - where the water supply comes from (like, say a dam or natural lake)
“Pool” - a location where the water will pool. Sort of like small ponds or lakes.
“Exits” - where the water or river can “exit” or continue to flow. I like to have it look like it runs underground or off a waterfall. It’s simple but works.
Elevation is a huge factor when I’m working with smooth terrain. I obviously need to smooth my river out, but you get the point here. You can see clearly where the riverbed and surrounding sand/natural erosion starts. I dislike when people run grass straight up to the rivers edge, it gives no sense of border. You did that with sand, which is good- I’d try to mess around with other textures too so it’s not repetitive.
Wider river, it’s very thin and is more like a stream at the moment. Try to mess around with it being different sizes too, it doesn’t all need to be, say, 4 studs wide. Have it grow and retract in width.
I would defiantly cut the size of the mountain down. It’s very… random. I think if you shrunk it up and then implemented more hills and size difference around the entire map it’d fit in a lot better.
Your angles are way to sharp, you need to easy into them with a smooth and wide turn.
As said previously, try to play with different terrain colors & textures. You can do so in Workspace>Terrain>Material Colors [Click to expand]
Finally, you should make the cliffs that the waterfalls come off of a bit steeper and consider using the waterfall plugin. Might give a neat effect for your game.