I recently made this gfx for my friend. Any thoughts on the gfx? Anything I should improve on?
I’m open to harsh criticism so please leave a comment
I recently made this gfx for my friend. Any thoughts on the gfx? Anything I should improve on?
I’m open to harsh criticism so please leave a comment
Looks good!
The GFX looks very realistic!
I’m impressed!
Thank you!! 30 charrss
You’re welcome! 30 char
Looks really good better than what I could do :…) but nice job!
Thank you!! I’m sure with more practice you can make something close as mines or even better!
There’s not a whole lot to improve, everything looks fantastic! The background fits, and the effects are really amazing!
Thank you!!! 30 char
Really nice work! Good job on the effects.
Thank you!! 30 Chars
It’s really nice. I also like the effects especially the glow of the star. You did a great job.
Thank you so much!!!
30 Charrss