I kind of took a break on Roblox for a while, and have come back with the idea to remaster this build, and perhaps make the game this creature is supposed to be from, now that I have learned so much more about building and coding.
The creatures are supposed to resemble spiders, and it is supposed to take place within a cave/mine.
There isn’t really an established plot or main objective at the moment.
It was supposed to be a horror game initially, but at this point ‘horror’ games on Roblox are so oversaturated that I’ve been leaning into making it more of a puzzle game, with perhaps some horror elements included.
You guys are so sweet
I will continue to build, and hopefully figure out how to code this. Maybe I will start with something basic just so I can focus on the core things for now.
I’m back!
I had been kind of taking a break because of school and tests, but since summer I have picked back up on this game. I have some new images to share!
I did a much-needed overhaul of more gameplay mechanics and lighting, and redid some things related to first-person control.
I also wanted to reach out and ask about things you would want to see? Besides there being puzzles and the map being like a maze, is there anything cool you can think of that would make the game feel less boring, and help it stand out?
I think adding a main objective would help a lot for figuring out features. Maybe adding a fun little mining minigame in between scary parts might be entertaining considering it’s in a mine