Thoughts on Low-Poly Showcase

Hello everyone! Thanks for visiting my post. Today I made a small little showcase for fun. I’m looking for some feedback on how i can improve this showcase. I hope you like it!!

Again, feedback is much appreciated! Have a great day!


Man, I love what I see, I have nothing to add, I am a pretentious person when it comes to building. Keep going . :wink:

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Looks really good! A lot of mistakes people make with low-poly imo is not having enough detail. Just because it has a few polygons doesn’t mean you can make everything have no detail! I think this showcase has a pretty good detail balance though. I think it could be improved with smoothing the terracing between the grass patches in the center. The fact that they don’t blend with the terrain above/below is a bit jarring, so imo smoothing that transition out would greatly improve it. If you’re 100% set on terracing it, I’d say you should make it look intentional/possible by adding a wall on the terrace edge to “hold” it up, and definitely add a ramp where the road gets split at the terrace. Additionally, the “mountains” on the edges seem too low-poly imo with those jagged edges and octagonal structure, so I think adding more faces along that axis could look better, as well as some irregularity in their widths/detail, as they all look just copied and pasted atm, which is a bad look imo. I really like the design of the smaller parts, especially the chain and the barrels, but I think the flags could use more detail for sure.