Thoughts On Media For My New Game

So I have just finished the icon, trailer and thumbnail for my new hit game. Thoughts?


play here: Survival Falling Bros The Killer! - Roblox


You forgot to remove your “capcut”

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that is on purpose. It shows the hard work, dedication, blood, sweat and tears that i put into making that masterpiece.

  1. Shouldn’t the face be white?
  2. Fall Guys uses the font Titan One in-game, you could try writing the text in that font for added accuracy
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Thanks, but this isn’t fall guys, Its falling bros. Will still use though

Also, who still makes killer games in 2022?

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one of the best games and ads i have ever seen, good work here. i will be showing my support and donating all my robux if that comes to be an option in the future

It’s not funny enough :crying_cat_face:
Just bland…

Another master of irony has been formed. Voltaire must be jealous!

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What a pleasant man, thank you good sir

It looks like a dead meme game ngl to you here.

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Are you intend to make it a meme game?

  • If that is the case i don’t think your thumbnail and icon is quirky and iconic enough. Personally i don’t find it funny.

If you’re serious about these. I have some thoughts.

  • The evil face is ruining it, i mean like, fall guy with evil emoji? I can’t relate.
  • The resolution is bad, try having a proper screenshot.
  • It isn’t appealing enough. What i can see is a muscular guy with a black background and some texts.

You have posted this same thing THREE TIMES NOW. And this is just spam advertisement. The game isn’t even that good! First you did the Icon then the video and now all??? Its just spam bruh! Just edit the first post! Or you just too new to do that? This is spam.

The only thing that I DO LIKE. Is the quality of the GFX you did. Yea thats kinda cool.

Let’s just report it. It’s so annoying, the game looks more broken than Roblox’s Moderation, and that’s saying something. WE DON’T CARE ABOUT THIS GAME!

Seems like a game that you’re really passionate about. Gotta respect the heat​:fire::fire:

I don’t mean to be insulting, but it looks awful. I feel that only a 8 year old would want to play. This is just my opinion.