Your “Midi Keyboard” looks very amazing, i like how you added the shape, design, details, to the Akai MPK as well the details. That’s implemented to your keyboard is really decent! However there is a couple of things. I’ll fix on your keyboard so it could look. More detailed and improved a lot more overall. You have done a decent job on remaking a real life (Akai MPK Mini Keyboard) and i think it looks really amazing! Anyways i would try to make the “Drum Samples” a bit more wider and square like because, they seem a little to small however. It still looks good though!!
Akai MPK Mini Keyboard
So i really like how you remade, the real life “Mini Keyboard” and i think it looks decent. However the ‘Drum Pads’ you implemented to your keyboard! Look good but i would recommend you widen them out to make them look, like a square button as in the real, life ones the buttons. Are more wider and bigger, so it could fit on the keyboard correctly! As the ones you made they, look decent but i would mostly make them look a little. Big and make them look like a square, shape you could try doing something like that, as well the color you implemented onto! Your keyboard i would try making the (Black Layout) around the keys, buttons, pads, knobs, ect. So it could look more improved as by looking at. Yours i see you only added the red color! Implemented all over the keyboard i would mostly add. The black color, and the red color, so it could look like the. Real life ones only if your trying to remake! The “MPK Mini Keyboard” in studio i know it, would look more better if you added the black, plastic part onto the keyboard and then you. Could add the red plastic part underneath the keyboard! Just to give it some more details to it anyways. I think it’s a really nice piece you’ve made! I would try working on those two, things so it could be improved.
Drum Pads/Knobs
And as i said above i would recommend you widen, the pads out and make them look like big square buttons so it could. Look more better as well the knobs you implemented, to your keyboard is impressive they really look the! Ones in (Real Life) however the white piece. That’s on the Knobs for mixing and, tweaking plug-ins i would mostly make, the white part a little thin as they seem to be a little to big, you could try making them! A little thin and implement them into the knobs so it could look a lot, more better and improved as the ones, in real life most of them on the Akai mini keyboard they mostly. Have the “CC Button” implemented in the middle of the (Bank A/B & Prog Change) those are the pad controls! I would try adding a grey button to your keyboard however i. Believe the one you have has that button in the, middle part on the side of your keyboard you could try adding! That as you can see below they, mostly have that pad added to the keyboard your remaking. I would suggest adding that!!
I really like how your remaking, the “Akai MPK Mini Keyboard” and i think it looks really good, and as i said above i’ll try making the buttons. More square like and add the CC button, to the keyboard so it could look more detailed as, well you could add the CC pad only. If you plan on adding that, if you do i would suggest you add it so it could! Look more better and improved. Overall you’ve done a impressive, job on your keyboard it looks really decent can’t. Wait to see what else you add the keyboard and! Other creations you make with that!!
As well does your keyboard only implement. One color to it or does it have the black/red plastic cover, onto your (Akai Mini Keyboard) because mostly the keyboard! Your remaking based off the real life one you, have they have the black cover. Around the knobs, pads, buttons, ect?
Overall, you have done amazing job on your (Keyboard) these. Are just some details your mini keyboard needs. Around the knobs, pads, keys, buttons. However you don’t have to add the, (CC Button) to your keyboard only if! You plan on adding more details to it, can’t wait to see more of. Your work very soon and the different, details you add to your mini keyboard, with along your studio anyways great job. Hope to see what else you add to the studio project! Very soon anyways, keep it up!