So I’ve made this moderation panel for my game and I definitely think there’s room for improvement. I need some suggestions on this, what to change or what to add. Thanks!
Looks pretty simple and nice, I like it.
But maybe add UICorner to the buttons as well, I think it’d look good, also change the Placeholder texts for the TextBoxes, not sure if you forgot or something.
Is this better?
Yea looks better
One thing you can do is, add different sections to your command buttons, for example for Bring, Goto, KIll, you can add a section called ‘Character’ and put them under that section, and for Ban, Kick, Warn etc, you can maybe put them under a section called Player or something
I know it’s off topic but, since you know UI designing could you help me with a problem I’m having?
I’ve made a post about my issue.
I don’t think that’s needed because mods can easily separate the commands from each other and I think it would look better without sections, but I’ll take that into consideration.