Thoughts on my admin panel?

So as I continue to create a game, I might need things, such as an admin panel!

So today I spent a little while designing one!

As of now you can only view the playerlist but more is to come!

Any who in the meantime what are your thoughts on it?

How can I make it better?

Cool thanks!



  • welcome frame could use some padding since the text is touching the top

  • different stroke color (maybe a slightly lighter version of the backgrounds)

  • i think the “you are an admin” is unnessecary, since you have the panel it’s obvious you’re an admin

  • buttons could be smaller (or text could be larger), you could maybe widen the welcome frame too
    i thought the buttons were frames at first glance

  • try centering it all unless you plan to add stuff at the bottom


  • again it could use some padding

  • try doing autoscalecanvas so the scrollbar isn’t there when the list isn’t full

  • the player button (on the player list) aren’t positioned properly, center it horizonally on the UIListLayout/UIGridLayout, also might be the ScrollingFrame’s size

  • stats look small

  • noticed there is no black stroke on the title text

  • center the stuff if you don’t plan to add anything else

  • i’d remove the refresh button and just have it update when a player joins using PlayerAdded & PlayerRemoving

the blur effect is cool and i like where it’s going but there’s a couple of alignment & sizing issues

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Me personally, I think admin panels are outdated and having text commands is better, but the font on your admin panel is very bright and annoying. Also the color theme is not very uniform which could make it be confusing to look at

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