I think your "San International Airport” has a. Nice style to it i like the design, and details you implemented to the airport and i think. It looks really good overall it seems to have no other kind of! Details on the walls and on the ceiling part, you could try adding more details to it such as. Added to the airport! However i would try adding some details! To your build just to give it that full airport, feel to it such as International Airport Art, Hanging Posters, Directions, TV, Hanging signs, ect. To the entrance and wall parts you could try! Implementing some. Of those details to your airport just so it won’t be empty there could! Be a lot of different decorations, around your airport so it could. Look a lot more improved i’ll just add some, details to the walls itself and around the! Exterior area so it won’t look empty however! The design your making is really nice. But i would recommend adding the final details, to it so it could look more better overall. You got a very nice piece here!!
San International Airport
The international airport you have created. So far looks very amazing i like the hanging airport departures. You implemented to your airport and it really! Has the details and architecture style, to it however there is a couple of things you could, try adding to the interior i would add some. More details to your international airport so it could look more! Improved! And better i would, recommend you add some Advertisements, Alerts, Directions, Hanging Posters, Round DLD Corona Lights, Floor Posters, Clocks, Security Camera, ect. Those are some of the details you could try adding. To your international airport so it won’t look empty on the wall parts and, the above the check in area there are suppose! To be large tvs and advertisement posters above the check in area depending on what kind, of design your trying to make there are always those kind of details implemented around the walls on a airport. And the passport control security you added there could possible, be a Black Retractable Belt around the security part where people have to put, there items on just to check if they have anything bad on the airport. You could try making the (Airport conveyor belt) more larger so once, they put there bags on the belt there luggage should! Come out from the other side however the ones you have right know are alright you, could also add some retractable belt so people. Well be lined up and not all over the place!!
Baggage Conveyor Belt/Retractable Belt
Know these kind of international airports always have, some large retractable belts with some kind of x-rayed security once they enter the airport. And you should make the line belts more longer and add another! Door that says (Security Checkpoint D) just so it could check everyone first before going to the check in area, try adding something like that and as i said above your airport needs a bunch of details. Added on the ceiling part and some on the walls itself! As those are most needed to show it’s a airport and not, a random building i would recommend you add add some “TSA Pre Poster Stand” next to the security checkpoint and with other details that has to be implemented to the building such as Lights, Exit Signs, Warning Signs, Do Not Enter Signs, Emergency Exit, Arrow Directions, ect. As with the directions added it will have arrows on the poster that shows wheres the check in, boarding gates, customs, taxis, meet & greet, toilets, ect. Those are some of the details you want to try implementing to your airport just so it could look, more improved and as you can see below you could try doing. Something like this just to give you some ideas what could! Be added to your airport And you could add other details to it.
Reference International Airport
Anyways the details, design style, you added to airport i think it looks very good, as most “International Airports” has details on! Walls and next to the check in area as for the exterior. You could try adding details to it such as walking street sign, Stone bollards, Bushes, Porcelain Tile Concrete ect. Overall your airport creation has that architecture, feel to it however i know it needs a little more so it could look like a. Complete international airport only If you plan on adding details in the front of the airport those are, some i would recommend you add here is a couple of other details i’ll. Add so your airport could! Look more better and improved a lot more and like. I said above try adding some decorations, lights, pictures. So your san international airport could have that style to it however i’ll try adding! Exterior details in the front of the airport.
Airport Decorations
- International Airport Art, Wall Plants, Shelves Restroom Signs,
- Other Airport Signs, Hanging Posters, Exit Signs, Warning Signs,
- Do Not Enter Signs, Emergency Exit Sign, Arrow Directions & Hanging TV
- Potted Tree Plants, Emergency Call Sign, Benches, Chairs, Porcelain Tile Concrete,
- Floor Posters, Clocks, Security Camera, Airport Blue Interior Gate Sign & Alarms
- Arrows to emergency doors, Atms, International Airport Art, Passenger Signs,
I would mostly, add a (Porcelain Tile Concrete) on the outside area so. It could be used as a sidewalk so people/passengers could walk, right into your international airport! Try adding something like that and you could also, add a interior tile floor texture since it has that style to it.
Overall, these are some of the details you want to try implementing. To your “Airport” so it could look more detailed and improved! A lot more however the style you made, looks good i would try adding some hanging wall lights, Directions, Hanging Posters, around the interior part and some signs added into the concrete sidewalk as that’s what most airports. Have those kind of details, and decorations implemented to the walls! And the shape you have right know, looks very amazing with the other improvements the airport needs, i know it will stand out more just so it could look more better and interesting. Anyways with the details i listed said above that’s what your international airport needs, overall you have done a great job on your creation nicely done.