Thoughts on my Church build so far

Thoughts on my Church build so far

Please post honest opinions in the reply section below
Link To Build (Doesnt Include the Trees or Terrain as it was only for decoration for the picture) : Church Build - Roblox

Side Note The Build is currently at 1800 Bricks


Whoa, that is amazing I love the light rays and the way it compliments the building but I would suggest turning the brightness down because I think it takes away from your amazing build.

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Thank you, ill make sure to do that. I do building streams and building update videos of it if you are interested! : Holy Hill National Shrine and Basilica | Building Update - YouTube

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Wow this is beautiful! Good job

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Thank you for taking the time to reply,
God Bless!

This is legit a church in Omaha, NE. Same 2 towers, color, material, everything. If the vegetation wasn’t there, I would’ve thought someone took the building and put it somewhere randomly. Good job!


Just out of curiosity how did you get the cones on top of the cathedral

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Tho i would gladly travel to omaha to see it as im from the midwest and not to far away, the church its based off of is on a mountain in wisconsin. Its called Holy Hill National Shrine and Basilica.


Huh, strange. Pretty much the same Church! xd

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its a previous model i made a long time ago. Dont remember when, just found it scrolling through my old models and decided to use it!

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Lookin pretty nice so far, but I would tone down the sun flares a bit as they’re kind of overbearing.


I’d be interested in maybe hiring you, not sure. :wink:

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The lighting is questionable in some of these, but overall the build is really clean. Something I would possibly suggest is adding custom textures to not make it so bland. But ye overall looks really nice good job :slight_smile:

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Well thank you, here is my portfolio : Building Portfolio | Mattsplayhouse/CatholicChurchRoblox (OPEN) - #2

This is an incredible masterpiece! I don’t usually see churches in the dev forums so this is a first! I think this is as perfect as it can get! I’d say you don’t really need to change anything!

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Thank you so much for taking the time to reply!
God Bless

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