Thoughts on my custom GIF/Video player?

Hey all. So I have been experimenting with my canvas module, which is pretty advanced, and one of the cool features it has is having ability to load multiple images which can then be drawn on the canvas. Which I can use to make videos or GIFs!

Now the cool thing about this, is that i didn’t use any third party tools or HTTPServices or anything outside of roblox. Which means this will work on roblox servers in actual games!

Currently, my module I am using to render the images can only load images up to 128x128 due to how I store each frame. I am hoping to change this soon so we can get even higher resolutions up to 256x256.

I would love to hear any feedback and opinions on this!


It looks nice to me!

If you’re gonna use it as a MP4/GIF player maybe a small minimalist UI would look nice on it.