Thoughts on my first Game Trailer?

Never made a trailer before but want to get better at it, I tried to hit the key points of:

  • Knowing what the game is about
  • What the gameplay will be like
  • looks fun with a concise goal
    So, How’d I do?

Looks great, what I can say is that you should not include the mouse icon while doing “cutscenes”, only in gameplay

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Whoops! I totally missed that on that shot!

Pretty good trailer, just a few things I would change.

  1. The video must be under 30 seconds to upload to Roblox.
  2. I would get rid of the little bar at the end as no one is going to copy the link word for word, and for the group name, I would just grab your logo if you have one and put it somewhere on there.
  3. As @SomeFedoraGuy said, get rid of the mouse, and also all UI like the leaderboard. Trailers from DOORS and other games do this to express professionalism and also it’s just cleaner.
  4. Recommended getting rid of the ESRB rating you added, as they did not rate your game.

There are other minor things, but I’m not trying to tear your work apart. I think that you are headed in the right direction for it. I hope you use my suggestions to improve your trailer.

Really good for a first try but here are a few thing to consider next time now I am no pro in trailer making but I still would suggest that you:

  • Change the music, its too sci-fi type.
  • Add some post proccessing effects as the game is quite bland.
  • On 0:05 the “A GAME BY PENGUIN ARMY” the black color is quite weird, make it the same as the title.
  • image Honestly looks quite bad as the gui has no decoration. And doesn’t match the theme of the game.
  • The base gui is also not that attractive.
  • On 0:25 the slow-mo effect kind of make it looks like sci-fi and also the blood on the janitors clothes.