Thoughts on my FPS game so far?

Hey everyone! I’ve been working on a fps for the past few weeks and I’ve made some good progress!

(Ignore the random lag, thats just my PC running alot of stuff!)

For Context: The game is somewhat similar to TF2/TC2 and Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare 1/2 but with alot more classes and more “wacky”.

Previous Post (9 Days Ago): FPS Gun System - Looking For Feedback!


It looks good, just is it an PvP game or PvE game? Also where can I play it?

PvP game, its not currently out.


I love the Uis did you do this all by yourself

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If you are going for like classes and stuff, like guest being default, I think you should add rare event classes like the ROBLOX account that has an RPG or a desert eagle or something.

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Yes, verything is made by me except for a few modules from the developer forum.

Keep working on it buddy you’re doing great :ok_hand:

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Keep working on it, Buddy, I know your game will be the best. :wink:

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I would say to disable the forcefield on the spawnpoint, and try to add in some material footsteps.

Other than that, it looks great!

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