Thoughts on my game i made?

I recently made a homestore game for my group clothing and I would like to know what others think about it!


Can I just ask, what are the “Gear” and “Shop” buildings, in-between the Clothing store do? Are they just other types of UGCs to be sold? Or is it for something in-game?

Otherwise, I think there isn’t any major issues with your Homestore game at the moment, it looks very “in-nature”. Just make sure not to add too much unnecessary details into your game!


if this is just a shop for your clothing and nothing else… Then this is very unnecesarry, the group page is enough. This might sound mean or harsh but most likely nobody will check it out… The build itself is nice and looks good but for a shop it is alot of wasted potential


The “gear” building is just gears that are really just for fun and the shop is limited time items (weekly items) that changes every sunday


So is this “gear” building just an extra feature in-game? If so, I’m fairly sure it’s a bit too excessive.

It’s a clothing store after all, not a full-blown game.


I think you are taking too much time on the “game” (idk how else to call this). The gears building might seem fun IF its in an actual game not some clothing store game. Dont expect (if at all) it to be doing well