I was making a humvee and I wanted to see if I could get any feedback on this mesh (It’s in blender). It took me a few hours to make and I finished it a couple weeks ago but I forgot to make a dev forum post on it. So here it is!
This is one of my first detailed vehicle models I have made and I would like to get some feedback. Any tips or tricks for adding more detail, Reducing triangles, and more would help a lot!
This looks very nice for something that was made in only a few hours. I haven’t jumped into making vehicles in Blender yet but I plan to in the future. Great job!
That looks quite remarkable. Well done. You have captured a lot of detail in your work and the build looks amazing. Please do post again, with the finished model, as I am sure that it is going to be fantastic.
It’s perfect all of the features are very accurate to the real thing I’ve seen a lot of humvee’s in roblox but not as detailed as this one.Try adding some camo textures and make it look even better.
This looks really nice and I love your attention to small detail (and I’m talking about the tiniest of areas). I don’t see anything to criticize too much. Nice job!