Thoughts on my new design


A few days ago, I uploaded a post with a few designs I made. I received a lot of valuable feedback from the community and I made the necessary changes to my design style.

Below you will find a new piece that was designed by yours truly.

Please play close attention to the fabric on the shirt and the watch which I designed from scratch.

With that being said, please feel free to leave any additional feedback.


Changed to #help-and-feedback:cool-creations for lack of technicality in question. Consider reading the pinned topics to see why.

it look really good and quality, but the Logo shouldn’t be at that position, i think it should be at the back of Shirt.
I will put down here a ex if you want to see

That looks cool, Ill change it next time!

Very nice design, continue like that :muscle:

Im confused, is part of the watch tucked inside the sleeve? the image looks cut off.

Yes, for realism.
