Thoughts on my second low poly?

So I decided to make a timed build where I have to build something in 2 hours.
I decided to go with low poly cause it would open my skill to some wider styles, So I would like to hear feedbacks on my build

Its a little empty because I already went above the time limit I gave my self.
If you wanna check it yourself: Globed - Roblox

Im open to ideas, though I would not update this build It would surely help me in my next one.


It looks wonderful, I wouldn’t change a thing.

This belongs better in #help-and-feedback:cool-creations but, it’s nice. 2 Hours is good, the axe/tree and front of the logs (in the back, first pic) could use work

I think this is great!The log cabin looks really awesome.
I love the idea of timed builds! Keep challenging yourself! Stay creative :dizzy:

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Im sorry, So what is the difference between building support and cool creations? Im new.

It looks really beautiful, I really love the cabin especially. I am somewhat confused as to what the lights on the trees are. Are they a part of the tree or actual Christmas lights? If they’re Christmas lights, you can add some wire between them.

“Cool Creation is more for receiving feedback while the support categories are more for problems, support questions and more“. You could even read the pinned about thread.

First attempt it looks fine to me. There is a good amount of contrast and the colors match good together it’s not overdone with details and props.

The build doesn’t need much put on it since you don’t want to overdo the details and ruin the quality design, I don’t think anything needs to be changed, but as I see you could try throwing a loaner hanging on the side of the door just to give more light around the scene surface. If you want to keep it this size, then you could add a few things like huge logs perhaps a tree trunk on the ground.

At the start you don’t need much just work on things they are worth improving it after all it’s your first attempt at making a cartoony build. Overall very good though.


I found the images really good. The only problem is that when I click the link you provided us to visit your game and play it, this is what I see. :arrow_down:

It’s an empty baseplate with absolutely nothing. Not sure what happened but fix this so we can give more details about the buildings.

they’re supposed to be mushrooms but I don’t have enough time to create the trunks.

glitch? i’ll fix it tommorow, somethibg must have happened.

I fixed it thanks for pointing it out!

Looks very good. The architecture is believable, the colors are nice and vibrant, the only thing I would change is the ax. It doesn’t really look like an ax, more of a hammer. I would give it more of a wedge shaped head, but other than that it looks beautiful. Keep up the good work.

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