Thoughts on my UI?

Hello, I would like some thoughts on this UI![


Looks cool and simple! Maybe change the font of the texts and add stroke.

Your text doesn’t follow consistency. Why is “INFO” and “GAMEPASSES” in all caps but not “History”? Also, you should note that game passes is actually two words.

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Typography is a very important concept and I’d recommend watching a course on it on Youtube or somewhat.

With that said, here’s some things that are irking me:

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Compared to the other words, there is a tiny space below the text making it appear as if it’s floating. Now, that’s fine if you want the text the float, but that means that all of your other texts are gonna have to float too. Otherwise it ruins consistency.

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The overhanging “y” irks me very much and it’d be nice if you can have it not overhanging so it can matching up well with the rest of the style to stay consistent.

Lastly… consistency. I know I’ve probably said this like three times now, but it’s true. In typography, consistency is key, it’s a precision that must be mastered. Another point somebody brought up is that “History” is the only word with no all caps while the rest are. Why is that?

Again, I highly recommend following a typography course video on Youtube if you have not already. They have clear guidelines and instructions on how to create an appealing Type.

I will say though, you’re off to a great start! So keep at it! :slight_smile:

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Looks cool, but I suggest to make “HISTORY” all caps, and put the text here, since the “y” is not scaled inside it,

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