Thoughts on new Ad

Hello everyone

I have made an Ad for a Shirt/Pants and would now appreciate some feedback on it.

The Add:

Thank you for the Feedback


Looks cool, especially the price details. Don’t know how’s that called I’m not from America.

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me neither :smiley: but I think they’re called Price Tags.

It looks pretty good, although on the 2nd shirt the price tag looks weird cause its clipping through the legs but people probably won’t notice that if they don’t look hard enough, the ad still does look really nice

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that looks amazing i might look into trying to do that stuff

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the price tags are cool. though i would remove the unnecessary ‘%’ signs. remove the more bluer dots, and maybe just render the characters, it would look much cleaner.

and change position of price tags and better design it, make it black on white, smaller, and no underlines or anything like that, and clipped onto the shirt.


Great design! Hope it does well.