Thoughts on new map?

*Please note that I still need to add trees, buildings, and other scenery.*

Update 1/20:


Wow, looks pretty good! But need to make a better lighting because lighting provided in images a bit sucks.This map reminds me partially GTA. Keep going! Post the result till you buildings decoration and etc. BUT remember: lighting.


This map looks good! Nice job on it!


I personally think that the map could use some better lighting but overall it looks fantastic


This is a part of the map with some basic lighting settings & foliage. (The lighting feels like something is missing. Any ideas?)


A real time sun rotation maybe. Would really add to the shadows and detail. A bit bright atm. That’s would fix that also. I know full well how hard these maps are to make and how long they take to get the way you want them. Good Job!

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perhaps a smidge of blur and some increased contrast

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I would add a more stylized skybox to fit the theme

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Added some blur & color corrections as some you suggested.


  • Keep the blur & color correction
  • Get rid of it
  • I see no difference

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Everything seems a bit more saturated with the color correction, and it looks better.

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I like the trees but I think a problem is that there’s too much space and background.

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