Thoughts on our Resort Build?

Me and my fellow developer (Owner) have been working on a huge project for awhile and we wan’t to hear you guys opinions on it!

If you see anything odd or have any recommendations to the place please say so (we trying to mak ethis place packed with features!)

Public test: The Grand Babylon Resort - Roblox


It is highly detailed and I love what you have done to the place. I feel like you should change up some of the colors though as it looks a bit too “goldy” I guess. On the 2nd and 3rd picture you provided is where I am coming from regarding to the color.

Here some more images regarding to color

Too much gold. Also the suitcase doesn’t work either.

The palm trees in the third picture you provided seem a little too thick in the middle. You may want to change that. The leaves should also have a little variety in color, and shape.

That’s all I have for now! I love the tutorial!


I’ll edit the meshes regarding the trees, thanks for your feedback. Very appreciated.

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Hello there!
Your hotel is amazing, well-detailed and very beautiful.
I’ve found two mistakes here.

  1. Bridges not connected to the land.
    I found this on left-wing of the Check-In. It’s located in outside in the middle.

  2. A possible bug?

    I found this bug when I try to equipped the cup I took on Star’s Cafe. I got teleported into this place after I clicked it.


This is a public test place and most tools are not finalised like the suit case and cups. If you wan’t to get out of that situation there is the Babylon Tablet that has an teleport app I created! Thanks for your feedback and I’ll try to fix that asap. Regarding the Check-In area the place isn’t finished.

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The lighting blends quite beautifully into the building style that you took up for this resort, and the building style itself is really good. Very detailed, nice work.


It looks amazing!

One thing I would suggest is changing the color of the water, because it looks kinda green.

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Very very beautiful build.

I’d just tell you to add a little more DL to the interior, then itd be perfect.

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I love the detailedness of the place! Many hotel games don’t put actual individual hotel rooms, they just used strategically placed windows to make it appear as if they are there. You did the opposite, which makes it look all the better.


Your build looks very good indeed. It has a lot of detail and the whole resort is very well constructed. The whole build is very pleasing to the eye. Well done on that.

I particularly like the Babylon tablet – that certainly helped to keep the screen clear of clutter. The tablet was easy to navigate and it looked very professional indeed. In addition, your tutorial is very good indeed - although it does contain several spelling and grammar errors. Personally, I would discourage the change of font size in the tutorial – it makes the reading of the tutorial awkward: I couldn’t read the tutorial until the entire text had loaded onto the screen and the text size had stabilised.

You have put a lot of work into this construction and I commend you. Top marks to you and your team on a job well done. I am sure that the game will become very popular with players. Good luck to you.

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Thanks for all the feedback everyone, I’m trying my best to fix bugs and listen to your recommendations!

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I’m not the best with grammar sorry and the text scaling was just lazy on my part sorry, I’ll redo all the messages and scale the messages properly as well, thanks for the feedback.

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First of all, I want to say that I absolutely love it! I love the detail and the lighting, along with the terrain! Anything I would suggest/point out was already put down in the comments! Good Job! Keep it up!

From a developing perspective, this place is amazing. Filled with assets and thought process, no wonder it took 2+ people to get the job done!

But here’s the thing… Developers don’t rely enough on psychology and positioning of the player when planning out or building. There is a DEFINITE sensory overload here. As soon as I joined, I felt confused, I felt like everything was cluttered, and I really didn’t enjoy the actual gameplay. Even with teleporting, it kinda just annoyed me because it felt too messy. To be honest you’re too far into the project to back out of that feeling. But, go through the entire build and try to make some changes that don’t make it feel so disorienting.

EDIT: The tablet helps, no doubt. But people are more likely to play the simple games than the complex ones. It’s just humans being lazy people most of the time… :man_shrugging:


This build is pretty good but the outside is goldy and the interior is mostly gray and such, changing them would be better.

Hello, your build looks brilliant and very detailed but the only problem for me is the color.

For example,

The color gray is personally a very dull color, therefore, you should add a nice pastel color.

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Your so right, thanks for giving me some handy tips for my builds also. :+1:

This looks phenomenal! The amount of detail in this is amazing!

There’s just enough going on in this game that it looks insanely appealing and well planned out!

I do suggest though, that maybe you add a little more detail to the terrain behind the resort, it looks a little plain and out of place!