Thoughts on PetStorage system?

Just asking for feedback in terms of this PetStorage system; it works by inserting a new Pet into the PlayerData with a new ID each time - This is to help differentiate between two Pets if they are the same.

I’m unsure if this is how people actually do it as I am new to working with Pet systems.

Any feedback?

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You could store them in a Global Table?

_G.tableName = {}

Then to add to that table just do


This will be inserted into the table as “NameHere”
So now the table would look like _G.tableName = {“NameHere”}

You can also add other values to this such as PetLevel etc. This can be done by doing this

_G.tableName[player]["NameHere"] = {Level = 1}

Which would look like this in a table _G.tableName = {[“NameHere”] = {Level = 1}

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Also there is a Roblox Feature that gives you a randomly generated string.

You could use this instead of doing it manually. I’m not exactly sure how you’re doing it but this could make it a lot easier.