Thoughts On Police Station

Hello i would like to know what you think of my police station. I recently built a new police station for my game and would like to know what you think.



There isn’t much effort put into it and doesn’t look like a police station at all.
I would look at examples of police stations and make it feel more like one.
Put more detail into it overall and redesign.


I agree with @Ser4x. I think that the NPCs also look really unprofessional. To make them look a bit nicer, it might help to remove the name from the top, as seen in the video below:

-WalkingTalkingTopHat :tophat:


Maybe u can add the police logo on the cop station


It’s pretty nice! But, there are some things which could be better.

  1. resize those fences, they are bigger than the building.

  2. use more details, it looks very undetailed right now.

  3. use 3D text plugins instead of the normal way.

  4. dont make blocks glitch into each others, it looks UNPROFFESIONAL.

  5. add some borders at the edges of doors, windows etc.

That’s all what i can think of right now, i hope it is useful!


Certainly a start, however the largest thing that I notice about the building that can be improved upon is how plain everything is. I have actually never thought about nor seen what was inside a police station, but from a quick Google search, there can be a lot added and improved upon. Some examples may be, but is not limited to:

More Furniture (tables, chairs, etc.)
Objects on wall (bulletin boards, generic posters like don’t drink and drive, etc.)
Detailing things more (adding door handles, windows with a metal border instead of being so big, etc.)
Resizing things (make smaller fence outside, smaller doors, smaller windows, etc.)

I hope these suggestions can help you improve upon your builds, and good luck continuing your (what appears to be) city!


Hello, thank you for posting, here is my suggestions and feedback!

I personally think your build is outstanding but I do think you could work on a few areas of the build. For instance, you could improve the cars and make them more realistic.

I think you should delete the “Police Boss” and maybe make the game more interactive and allow the community to try and accomplishing a job to be able to work there. So maybe like a role play!

Best of luck,


There’s little detail put into this, considering the surrounding buildings have a lot more detail than the police station. I know for a fact you can do better than this. You should change the “Police Boss” to the “Receptionist” because a police chief isn’t going to be at the front desk, they’re normally in their office in the station. You should add a lighter blue rather than the super dark blue you have at the moment. A long with changing the red text on the sign to a white text. One last thing is the police cars, I like the black one put you should add a yellow or white text on the back saying 9-1-1 and change the cyan police car to a light blue color, I get cyan is very close to light blue but the current cyan shade you’re using doesn’t look natural for a police vehicle. Other than that you did a pretty decent job, if you fix the following I believe you can make your police station a lot better!


The inside of the police station is very empty. You could add a LOT more details and decorations inside.

I think you should FOCUS on adding more assets outside of the Police Station and especially inside the Police Station.

There’s not much to say, but you can improve waaaaaaay more.


To me, the surrounding buildings look much more impressive than the station. The surroundings suggest that you are a great builder, but I don’t think you applied as much effort to the station as you did the surroundings/decorations.

Everyone in this thread has made some really good points, but I think I can summarize what they have said with this:

It doesn’t matter how good or experienced you are at building. Anyone can create something amazing if they put time and effort into it.

Follow the replies, put more time and energy into this build, and it will turn out as great as everything you’ve already done!


Thanks for the feedback, also the text is 3d text.

Thanks for the feedback, the police boss is not at the front desk she is in her office.

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The structural design isn’t bad but there is really no detail in the build.