Thoughts on Realistic Cinema? | Big Screen Experience • Solo Project

This is great just like the cinema I go to

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This looks awesome, you are super talented builder. Have you ever thought of making the experience mode immersive with video frames?

Then you could actually play videos with sound in your big screen!

Here is an API reference if you do: VideoFrame | Roblox Creator Documentation

You could also integrate this ad idea by pausing the video being played once in a while and making an image label pop up as an advertisement

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Thanks for that Wrevl, I have a few speculations about Roblox working on something to enable for even more opportunities to use videoframes within our games. Hopefully, if they do happen to be working on what I think they are, we can potentially see more trailers and movies and such in games like these! I look forward to seeing you around when I get this done! :blue_heart:

Thank you Jeff! I’ll definitely be playing around with videoframes in the coming weeks and will be waiting for that day when Roblox releases the upload feature to the public if it ever happens.

I love this idea, I’ll try my hand at that in a bit! It’ll be just like a youtube video haha! :joy:

Thank you for all of your feedback, I really appreciate this! One day I’d hope to bring this game to the next level and introduce more functionality as I advance in my scripting capabilities.