I’m making a dungeon crawler that I’m five months in, I was wondering what you think about this redone room and was wondering what style you like more.
Yellow (Made during the first month of development.):
Red one, is there a massive hole in the ceiling?
Realistically if someone went to all the effort of putting up lights and making it look nice, they would’ve fixed the hole.
Red one looks too dark and the lights look painful.
Please remove the blue pot? in the middle of the room (it draws too much attention).
Lastly the bricks have too much bevel and look like they’re made of polystyrene.
While I can agree with you on the more lighting part. The “blue pot” is actually a bath that’s capable of healing wounds (or that’s what it’s intended to be). It serves as a place for the player to customize their character so I wanted to make it stand out. Also, the hole in the ceiling was creating recently after a “huge dessert storm”, which the player fell through unknowingly after it became unstable. Also what do you mean by the bricks? They only have one vertices for the edges.
can we make it a red pot?
the bricks just look weird.
They look like the foam blocks from the foam pits, maybe it’s because the bricks being pushed in and out looks overdone.
These remastered Dungeon Crawler rooms look great! Nice job on all of them! How long did it take to make all of them? What will you use these in? The rooms look realistic, especially with the lighting and graphics!
The assets all took around 40 hours ish. There are some things that aren’t in this room that are included in others. (And I’m pretty new to blender so I took a bit). The room itself took around an hour to put together. Usually the rooms I make aren’t as big so they usually take only 25-30 mins per one.
Thanks for the compliment on the lighting! I kind of just messed around with it for a bit and settled on what looks good. I’m actually really proud of myself considering it was my first attempt at lighting without a tutorial.
The bricks are pushed in and out to give it that old and worn look. Some bricks are pushed in and colored slightly darker to stand out more and give the wall more texture.
Not changing any settings and just removing the brick walls from the blacked in room (black parts on the outside to create that inner darkness) they actually look like this:
The dents are barely noticeable and only really shine when light is put directly onto it. I don’t really understand what you mean by “overdone” because they aren’t high poly what-so-ever.
I think that they are pushed in too far. Also, it kinda defeats the purpose of asking for feedback when you defend yourself from negative feedback. Try to be more open, you (most likely) won’t be the only person playing your game.
Sorry, the comment above wasn’t suppose to be rude. I was super confused about what a “blue pot” or “red pot” is. Maybe English isn’t their first language? The reply was intended to give them a better look at the walls so they could recommend stuff, rather than say things like “the bricks just look weird” with no recommendations about what to fix about them.
Thanks for the feedback on the bricks, they might actually be pushed in a little too much. Unfortunately I’ve actually already made 7 rooms so I can’t really adjust the walls atm
it’s fine, I understand your troubles. i believe they were referring to your hot tub spawning place customizer thing as the “blue pot”… i’m not exactly sure about what the “red pot” could be referring to.
edit: the red pot probably means that they want you to change the hot tub spawning place thing to red, but I wouldn’t because it wouldn’t be very clear that it was safe