No, just no.
T pose. Everywhere.
Why doesn’t the light add to the usage, actually why is there just no usage at all?
Oh lord why is this camera so dark
The fans a little messed up

Employees Only.

And I’m sorry BUT WHAT IS THIS
You tried to make something scary and it ended up being a hilariously bad game.
I also think something is wrong with your animatronic AI, Chica didn’t move until 4AM and bonnie moved into parts and service instantly and eventually moved to the hallway at 4AM.
The game resetting after a night is completely bugged, showing previous power usage and power left for about 20 seconds, as well displaying the incorrect power usage.
The games description says
“A single-player FNAF 1 experience with immersive graphics and thrilling FNAF 1 gameplay.”
This game does not have immersive graphics.
Chica is transparent, every animatronic is T-posing, the lighting is too dark even when hallway lights are on, the materials are all over the place and just- why is the office walls made of wood planks??? Plus, the amount of blood on the monitors in the office is just cringe. Its like you’re trying to scream at the players that animatronic bad!!
The lack of any phone guy just removes from the game, too.
The FNAF 1 gameplay is non-existent, it feels like a cheap knockoff that has little to no work put into it, as if you barely understand how FNAF 1’s AI works and you just tried to replicate it from how you think it works.
Adding on:
I’m too good to get jumpscared, but judging from the screenshot you have, the animatronics are way too close to the camera.
There’s too many issues with the game for it to be fun, scary or immersive.
3/10, an attempt was made and it is partially functional, but the amount of issues just weigh it down. Its more funny than scary and lacks immersion in every way.