Thoughts on these laser daggers I made

So today as usual. I was goofing around making random stuff!

And today I made some laser swords/Daggers(Idk if they are swords or daggers).

So here it is! What are your thoughts?

The animation was made using this epic tutorial by @Headstackk

The walk animations are a free IK animation thing that is really cool!

Derived from @Scarious’s code, revamped by @iGottic for R15, remade again by @dthecoolest for R6.

Its pretty cool.
View it here

So what are your thoughts!
Also before flagging please correct me so I dont have to re-make this entire post!

Ok I got the video in!
So what are your thoughts?

They look pretty neat. Depending on what you are going for, you could consider adding a subtle transparency to the blades, so they are more easily recognized as laser daggers, opposed to a painted dagger.
Thanks for linking that tutorial. I need that.

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