Thoughts on this cafe?

No it isn’t? I spent a while building that, and I have evidence form the discord server.

Here is some of the progress:

These are the only images I have, which are ones I posted in the updates channel of a discord server.

Ok I have seen it before in the Toolbox, Such as the fireplace and other parts of it.The chairs are nice.

Like I said, none of the parts are from the toolbox. They were all built by hand.

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Wow, that looks good. I think the outside design is amazing, as well as the interior design. I think you should change the texture of the blue mat under the chairs.

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Overall, it’s not bad. I’d flatten the roof, and make the outside a bit more appealing. The interior is decent, I’d focus primarily on behind the counter. There are alot of stuff you are missing, and you are using alot of free models I can tell. Keep it up, definitely has potential.

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No free models were used, but I appreciate the feedback.

Mhm. It’s good but I see there’s lack of details on the roof

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I’m usually pretty bad in wording my feedback, but if you want to stand out from a lot of other cafe builds, or just builds in general, revamp spawn a little more. Remove the wall by spawn and recreate it as some sort of pinned poster (or something of the likes).
The logo doesn’t stand out enough largely due to how the name is formatted, I’d suggest placing each word on top of each other at an angle of your choosing. I recommend making a small area that is a step below the rest of the floor just to diversify the flat flooring. The cafe looks really nice overall, I’d suggest looking more into lighting and atmosphere if you want to continue improving it any further.

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It’s amazing! Just add light signs in my opinion. Make sure it’s not too bright.

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Its really nice and simple, I love how you actually got a nice grip on the colors even tho you were VERY much limited to picking a variety of them. It’s awesome In conclusion <3

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I believe the cafe present is original and just so happens to be similar to the cafe that is on toolbox. The rectangular structure is a popular one. However, that cafe you found in toolbox is actually a mash-up of free models.


I built it from complete scratch with no reference images. I have a photographic memory, so I might’ve thought of a café I had seen before.


I think on a technical level its very well-done, so good job there! However, it feels like a cafe I’ve seen a million times over. Try going for something more unique and never-before-seen. One thing you might want to consider is visiting some cafes in real life, to find one that you think is cool looking and use it as inspiration for your build


It doesn’t look really good. Try changing the lighting