Thoughts on this Easter Pack UI design?

Lately I’ve been trying to create a pack system for my game. Just now I needed to actually design the pack frame, and I figured since Easter is around the corner I could create a pack for that, to start off.

I came up with the idea it’d be cool if each pack had it’s own color scheme, to match with whatever the event is or so-fourth.

Here’s the frame I have so far, any advice on the colors or design would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Make the top color the same as the but button at the bottom, as demonstrated in the picture above.


Will do. Thanks :slight_smile:

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That cross looks way too thin.

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The exit button looks a bit too thin but other than that I think it looks good.


I’m assuming you’re left handed, judging by the exit button being on the left side. I recommend moving it to the right. Right handed people if not everyone feels more drawn to things being on the right side.

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The gui seems a bit off on what style, the drop shadow seems a bit excessive, try removing the bar on the bottom or just making the button smaller.

The text “Easter Pack” and “Buy this pack for 350R$” is different, recommend trying to keep the same font if possible and outline.

As @Somnar said, the X looks way too thin which will make it hard to see.

The content seems a bit off on top, (The dollar and money amount) I recommend moving it down a bit more to center it. You should also make the outline on the + more lighter or just delete it as it seems a bit unnecessary. (Unless its hard to see then just make it lighter…) The spheres and plus can be moved more over to the left to make it more centered. (Hard to see but its a bit offset)

But for the most part, looks pretty nice and clean :stuck_out_tongue: Good luck on your development!

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Thanks for the suggestions guys, I appreciate it!

I do like the colours however as Scythe said,

It would make it match a small bit more and make it a bit more appealing in my opinion.
The cross is way to small, and it might just be me but I think the money/robux symbol is not centred with the number.

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