Thoughts On this game I'm working on

I’ve been working on a Game with someone (Radlif) for a while now and we feel like we are in a good enough postition to show some screen shots of it and get some feedback on how it looks.


Just a general Idea of how you feel like the game looks would be great.
If you would like to see more We would be happy to share more.


Is this a showcase? If so, it looks amazing! I love the lighting!

We were not going for a showcase but is it to the standards of one?

also Thanks For shouting out the lighting, Radlif worked hard on trying to make it look nice.

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Dear SorchasPassion,

I ABSOLUTELY ADORE THE LIGHTING (lighting is like the most important part of a game looking nice). Now that that is out of the way, it seems like a really good atmosphere for a horror game. While the trucks in that background give signs to civilizations, the environments in the pictures feel alive like a ghost is gonna pop out at me! Really looking foward to see what you do with this game

Best of luck to you, -HiddenKaiser

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The atmosphere is really good, I think if it was a more kind of darker aesthetic as in less light and a little bit more grey and blackish it should look even better as it might add a lot to it. Still, keep up the good work.

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The design of the interior and the outside is marvelous! I really like the detail put into this, I wished I could see more but all I can say is amazing work!


I love the building style in this game, it looks very nice. It is one of the very few low poly design types I like, I’d play this!

That’s amazing! I recognized the fan on the ceiling, you could probably make it a bit bigger. Great job, good luck on finishing this!

Omg! i just love the lighting to this game! it looks freaking amazing! i have no idea how people are able to achieve this lighting though! really outstanding work on the lighting. And the furniture looks pretty well made and not messy by the way what kind is this gonna be? if your willing to share if not, its fine i dont wanna force you.

I love everything about this, the attention to detail is spectacular, it doesn’t feel empty and the lighting is on the spot!

This looks great love every thing about this, but most off all the models look superb keep up the good work.

I think your game your currently making is very well done, i can see you guys put in a lot of effort and time into making this game. The lighting is very impressive and the details you included in, each of the parts of your game is very detailed. To me i can say you have done a good great job on atmosphere it looks like some sort of horror game your, making featuring the trucks and cars gives it a really good sign like that place has been. Abandoned for a long time and then people are visiting it to check out what kind of house they have walk into. Overall the environments in the pictures you listed above look really good for a, second i thought this was some kind of horror, showcase however it does look like a game that i’ll! Visit once it’s completed overall the design and decorations you included in the open map, and the different buildings it’s very impressive!!

Anyways like the different kind of details you included into your game. The trucks and cars gives your map a very nice addition i don’t know what kind of theme, or style your going for but i can see it looks like a horror showcase. However i would just try adding street signs implemented into your game i know that could be a nice feature to add, to your game you both are currently making overall nicely done on your game hope to see what. It looks like once it’s finished and i would definitely check it out anyways you have a very nice! Game hope to see some updates very soon.

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