Thoughts on this GUI I made?

This is the first full GUI I’ve made, and I I made this for an upcoming project that I’ve been working on, and wanted to hear your thoughts on it!

Outside of the character renders for the citizens that a friend helped me out with (for those curious, I put together the designs & posed the rigs), and despite this, we still have yet to finish the ones for the aliens, however other then that, this took me around 15 - 20 mins. on average to make by myself.

I would like to know what you guys think about this as this was the first time I ever made a full GUI screen, thanks! :smile:


Not too bad really.

However, where it says ‘Civilians’, you should probably make it so the bat doesn’t go out of bounds in the button.

Also on the top of the GUI where the title is at, maybe add some padding to it so it doesn’t look misaligned.

Other than those two, not bad!

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I think it looks good. What could the game be :thinking:

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It’s a new simulator that also plays similar to wave survival games such as Reason 2 Die!


looks good, but I would try to make the borders a little more noticeable and aligned so it pops more!

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