Hey there! I made this map quite a bit ago… And to this day I think it looks absolutely awesome. I need feedback on this Jailbreak-terrain-like map to improve.
Looks good! I think you should continue the flow of the water where there is 2 waterfalls though.
I’d remove the snow from the top of that hill. It’s a bit strange,there are higher hills around that are not covered in snow,otherwise it looks great! also,the first picture looks a bit strange,there is that empty space to the right of the waterfall.
This seems pretty epic! But if you want to go full on jailbreak style, I suggest using the plugin called “Part to Terrain” Its a very good plugin.
Looks good! Remember to edit the colors, and make the graphics higher for a better look!
I’d use the new grass for the terrain. Other than that, add some buildings, and you’re done. I would recommend once you complete this that you put it up for sale, or collaborate with someone in making a game within this map. I think it looks good. I agree with Roboritech that you should use the plugin.
Looks a lot like Jailbreak! The water’s a bit too bright, but besides that it looks great!
This could just be me, however I’m not a huge fan of the switches from grass to sandstone and back to grass. It’s good in small portions but to me it’s just ugly when overdone, though in the context of the map I think it supports the over-all hold of the build for where it is.
I also think that you should extend the two waterfalls (atleast until they meet up with each other), as it would add a cooler aesthetic to them. Also darkening the water and making it a bit more transparent while we’re on that topic would make it look a lot more realistic.
Overall it’s a good terrain build, I like it.
If you want to go for a more realistic look, darken and desaturate the terrain colors. Then make the water much less reflective and more transparent.
i use it. It is a very useful plugin overall. Cant you agree?
I would do that if I werent going for a jailbreak style. I can agree with you thought.
The water is transparent in game… But not in studio… Its a weird bug i have been getting.
This is how’s its always been; it’s not a bug but probably a performance thing.
Most likely your “Edit Quality” settings are not set to max, which would cause water to always render as opaque as opposed to transparent.
Great but I would remove the snow from hills.