Thoughts on this ruin map?

What do you think about the lightening? it’s supposed to be dark, kinda foggy and a little bit scary atmosphere.


I’m no lighting expert, but I think you should switch to a darker sky box and try a different atmosphere settings. You might also wanna consider adding point lights (you can make torch models and add them in there) to highlight your builds in the dark.


Thank you, I’ll try to do these things.

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Lighting can be tricky to tweak.
I’d suggest doing a lot of experimenting with the basic Lighting settings, and then look at the Atmospheric Effects linked in that post.
Most of the time if you make a chsnge to one setting it’ll affect how the other settings are affected as well. Sure, you can just adjust the Intensity to a lower number, but that won’t affect the fact that shadows still show up (when it’s darker shadows should barely be visible).
Just play with ALL the values to see what changes what. You can always reset it back to the original settings and try again, or click the Back button to go back to the previous setting before you changed it.