It’s rare I’m exceptionally happy with a build but I’m feeling really proud of myself today, let me know your thoughts on this & if it can be improved at all.
To be honest, it think the old one looked more appealing due to the variation in color/shades on the stone.
I think you should consider adding some shades and colors to the stone structure to enhance the detail, otherwise I think it’s great!
Ps: It would enhance the detail more as well if you posted this with a brighter lighting. It’s very dull and hard to make out the finer details (again I strongly believe some shading will highly enhance this building and be the overall improvement that you are looking for).
The shape of the building is great, just the way you decided to colour and texture it is a little off. I’d recommend changing the overall colour and maybe have highlights of the colour you have now (gold). You can search for images on google to see what I mean, but no building is all entirely one colour and one texture. Things like the windows and door can have a little more detail to make them pop a little as well. Other than that, the building itself looks great and you can tell you definitely spent some time on this.
The windows don’t match the style of the building in my opinion.
colour was intended to be closer to the source image,
If you know a better colour I’d be open to try it
Yeah, it looks like you need to tweak the color of the stone several shades lighter and the windows a lot less blue if you want to match those colors.
Edit: Also note that certain parts of the reference image’s stone is shaded darker or lighter (partially due to lighting). If you try to add some of that color variation I think the details of your building will pop out to the user in an appealing manner.
I can’t remember the name of it exactly but I believe there is a plugin that has a selection of colors wider than Roblox’s.
Why not just change the Color property (as opposed to using a BrickColor) to select any color you want (a Color3 value)? It’s quite easy to use, there is a pop up window to select any color/shade you please.
This is old, but essentially the same thing (looks a little different now).
got my friend in a vc and she helped fix the colours, what do you think @Hazania?
p.s the game will be set constantly in darkness, so posting in better lighting isn’t very relevant
That looks a lot more pleasant to the eye! I like it!
Try making the column bottom stands more detailed to match the fence detail things on top
It really could use more textures, the old one is much better made with that in mind, even if the building does look like that in real life there are many textures out there that can really help add more detail to it.
I like the town hall, although it looks a little small, do you have a close up with you in it? But, unless it’s used for decoration I like it. But also, the door you’re standing on, if it’s used for the actual town hall, it looks a little off including this tiny gap here.
It’s a very nice, very pleasant looking building. Reminds me of the President Abraham Lincoln memorial building in DC. Very nice. Keep up the work!
It’s very blocky and unrealistic. If you are going for an fast/easy to make low poly design then that’s all good but it’s something to keep in mind.
To be totally honest, I prefer the old one way more. It has nice shades of gray, a cool style and just looks better in general. Just my opinion though
They’re in different styles, so it’s not really a fair comparison. I could do the old one similar to how it is and a lot nicer but that isn’t what I was hired to do.
I like the build of this town hall, but I think that you could use different colors for it. You could instead change the buildings color to grey, and maybe give it a concrete texture as well, like your second image.
However, if you’d prefer to keep the current color, then you could maybe change some parts of the building to a lighter brown.
The blue lines are just an example of what “parts” of the building I was talking about.
Concrete isn’t an option, the entire game is smooth plastic, but I’ll definitely keep playing with the colours.