Thoughts on UI style


I was redoing UI for a project, and decided to go with a new style. I’m just here looking for some simple feedback on it, maybe comparing it to the old one too.

Old: (cant find dark mode one but it existed)


The old one has existed for about a year at this point, so I replaced it with that. Let me know what you think in the replies or these polls:

Which was better?
  • Original
  • New

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Rate the new one
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If you have any other thoughts on any of them, please feel free to let me know!

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I think darker is better as it looks less weird.


On the new one, I would add some sort of background to the frames. And maybe change the inside of the loading bar.


The loading bar doesn’t directly connect with the [Custom Text], and therefore should not be connected, and the loading bar should be shorter and put in the same frame as the “Loading… [0/0]”.

It’s also obvious that it is loading, because of the progress bar and the “Loading… [0/0]”, so I’d suggest removing the topbar entirely, or just adding a header named “Just a moment” or something at the top with a transparent background. It creates a lot of whitespace that isn’t needed to direct attention to something.

I’m also not a big fan of the acrylic background as it gives it too much transparency

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For sure the dark one! It’s really clean and there’s so many things about it that make it look really nice. I’d love to see this with all of the TextLabels and Images filled in! (No need to send me a picture though haha)

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