Three.js 3D views for avatars and accessories use a stupid amount of CPU computation

Alright so, to explain simply and clearly, any form of 3D view on the Roblox website that uses three.js is extremely laggy and uses almost, if not all the CPU usage. It is not my PC being too crappy, especially since it never happened before. I don’t think you need my pc specs and Chrome infos to fix that, since it looks like it’s a bug coming from the 3D rendering engine itself, and not from my PC.

Images for reference:

Expected behavior

what I expect to happen is that this simple three.js 3D rendering engine takes less cpu computing resources than cyberpunk 2077 on max graphics while adobe media encoder encodes a 4K video in the background without nvenc enabled


Doesn’t seem like a global issue, my maximum CPU usage was 3% after spinning my avatar like crazy.
EDIT: better screenshot

yeah they fixed it, that’s probably why