I am trying to upload an image to a game I am working on as a thumbnail, but every time, it is way less crisp than in my exported version. It does not matter what image I upload, or what resolution I use. I know Roblox re scales the image, so I tried various resolutions and though it might work. It didn’t. I tried 1920x1080 (as Roblox recommends. I also doubled this and nothing changed), I tried the resolution Roblox re scales it to (which for me is 768x432) but even then, it was not very crisp. I tried a few others in between, but it was even worse. All these resolutions look just fine before the uploading process, but anytime after I upload the image, it just becomes blurry or not as crisp like on my end. I am using the .png file type by the way.
Are you for sure exporting it through .png? Roblox should take a bit of quality off of the image, but not enough to stand out. Do you have any examples showing what it looks like on both ends?
Yes I am 100% sure it is exporting through .png. I will have some examples in a bit. I have to render an image. One thing to clarify is it just doesn’t look as crisp on their end as on my end and I have seen photos from other games that have that nice crisp image in their game.

I know one has less resolution, but even if I export the image at the same resolution it gets reduced to, it still is not as crisp. It’s hard to tell from on the site, so save the images to get a better view.
They seem to be really close to the same photo, you can barely even tell that the quality drops unless you were staring at it for 5 minutes.
To me, it looks worse but I dont know. Maybe I am too picky with what I want. It just seems less crisp than other games seem to have. I made the images 100% size, maybe it’s easier to tell now (maybe not) it is just the closest I can get to what I see on the game.
They have professional Graphic Designers, they spend around 30k Robux on a game thumbnail most of the time.
I know that. I am fine if the image does not have tons of effects in the image I just want it to look as clear as before I upload the image. Again maybe I am being picky on what I see since you don’t notice anything major.