Thumbnail Issue with Transparent/Particle items

The following thumbnails for Transparent and Effect items at the moment are… uneffective at appearing how the actual item is intended to look.
Here’s an example for a transparent item, Ghost Fedora.

Prior to thumbnail changes, it looked very opaque, and you could see through it, like you usually can ingame.
Now… You can’t see most of the item besides a smidgen of the face.

Now, looking at effect items, using Ghosdeeri as our example.
Here is the original, showcasing the flame effect correctly.
Now here is the updated version, which only shows the flame when it is emitted near the item.

Expected behavior

If this issue was fixed, I would expect transparent items to maintain the same opacity they have ingame as they do in their thumbnail, and I would expect effects to show emitted and colored past the items mesh like they previously have.

Below are some other examples of popular items which previously had working effect/transparency thumbnails that seemed to much more accurately represent their effects before they were changed.


I don’t expect the original thumbnails to be changed or altered besides making sure the effect shows properly on each item.


It’d be nice if they were to fix these items thumbnails, (but also don’t forget about the frozen and the poison horns, if that’s what you’re looking into).


I could provide a list of items but that seems very extensive, the plan is for a fix that would automatically update and correct these buggy thumbnails for items that are either transparent or have a particle emitter.

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Just to clarify, it’s not necessarily the proximity to the object that makes particles render with color/without color, it’s whether they are rendered in front of another object from the camera’s perspective. Any portion of a particle that is not in front of an object immediately loses its color.

This makes a lot of items with particles look weird on profiles, so I would really like to see this fixed.

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Thank you for the explanation, I tried to demonstrate what I meant as well as I could

This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and will come back as soon as we have updates!

Thanks for flagging!