Thumbnail moderated

(i dont know if this is the right category)
so whenever i create a thumbnail it always gets moderated i know that many people have asked this but i never found out a solution, i create my thumbnails but when i upload it they get moderated i dont know whats wrong with them
here is the thumbnail of a lag test fan remake im making and it got moderated

i dont know whats wrong in the thumbnail that roblox has to moderate this is very irritating for me because i spend hours making the game and when i try to upload a thumbnail it always gets moderated

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Next time read rule #19 of the forum:

You can appeal the moderation against your asset according to the aforementioned rule.


Like @Operatik said, this is not for moderation review, but try going to roblox support, as there is nothing wrong with it.

It happens to everyone, even me but just put a support ticket, and they will manage it.

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it got accepted after i contacted the moderation team

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Glad I could help :slightly_smiling_face: :