The current thumbnails for Springtime’s Overgrown Antlers and Spook: Trolling are completely transparent.
Expected behavior
I expect Springtime’s Overgrown Antlers and Spook: Trolling to receive new thumbnails that display the accessories
The current thumbnails for Springtime’s Overgrown Antlers and Spook: Trolling are completely transparent.
Expected behavior
I expect Springtime’s Overgrown Antlers and Spook: Trolling to receive new thumbnails that display the accessories
I think Spook: Trolling’s lack of a thumbnail is intentional – see this web archive from July 2015, just a few months separated from the item’s catalog release.
I reported the Approve Pin a few weeks ago. Linking the post here so these two issues can be joined.
The Approved Pin finally got a proper thumbnail, nice! Although the other two accessories listed in my this post still lack a proper thumbnail. I have updated the post to reflect this.
This is now resolved as all assets listed now have proper thumbnails
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