Thumbs Up/Down Spam

I been seeing that some people have been making spam alts and then thumbing up their games to get it on to top rated. Witch ends up on the Popular section.
I have also been seeing that some games have been attacked by being spammed thumbing down.
Witch a few days ago has good thumbs up rating then suddenly has lots of thumbs down.

I think there should be a Limit of how meany thumbs Up/Downs you can have for each IP for a certain game.

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Sadly people will than just use Proxies or another work around.

Is this any fix for this issue?

Accounts require email confirmation
There are temporary email services

Accounts must exist for a certain period before thumbing, commenting, etc.
After said period, exploiters have a steady stream of accounts aging for use

Limit activity from each IP

Require a CAPTCHA each time someone comments, thumbs up/down, etc.
Nobody wants to go through the trouble

Am I missing something?

[quote] Is this any fix for this issue?

Require a CAPTCHA each time someone comments, thumbs up/down, etc.
Nobody wants to go through the trouble

Am I missing something? [/quote]

The new Google reCaptcha would work great for Roblox.
[video width=425 height=344 type=youtube]jwslDn3ImM0

[quote] Is this any fix for this issue?

Require a CAPTCHA each time someone comments, thumbs up/down, etc.
Nobody wants to go through the trouble

Am I missing something? [/quote]

The new Google reCaptcha would work great for Roblox.

[/quote]I don’t understand that new captcha, it still makes me write out the captcha.

Then maybe you are behaving as a robot!? I have no idea how that thing works but I never have to type out a captcha.

Then maybe you are behaving as a robot!? I have no idea how that thing works but I never have to type out a captcha.[/quote]

It probably tracks mouse movement and such and the speed which you complete the forms. Generally it makes it easier for users, but the difficulty for bots is not really changed if not a bit more challenging.

When they created that they should’ve probably tracked the speed of which the bot inputs stuff onto the field.

[video width=425 height=344 type=youtube]Mf01TwjSKXg

Re. The new captcha.

It uses risk analysis. It tracks your mouse movements/keystrokes on the page that the captcha is located. If the risk is too high, it displays the old-fashioned captcha to verify if you’re a bot or not.

[quote] [quote=“TraeMan7” post=152657]Is this any fix for this issue?

Require a CAPTCHA each time someone comments, thumbs up/down, etc.
Nobody wants to go through the trouble

Am I missing something? [/quote]

The new Google reCaptcha would work great for Roblox.

[/quote]I don’t understand that new captcha, it still makes me write out the captcha.[/quote]

are you a robot